Medicine Hat​ Motocross Society
Medicine Hat​ Motocross Society

The Track is open every day from 9:00 am to one hour after sunset!
From Calgary: Turn Left at the lights by the Petro-Canada in Redcliff.
From Medicine Hat: Turn Right at the lights by the Petro-Canada in Redcliff, and drive two miles North on Boundary Road.

Why you should be a Sponsor
Why you should be a Sponsor
Sponsoring the Medicine Hat Motocross Society is your opportunity to contribute to youth and family sports in the city of Medicine Hat and surrounding area. Your donation will help maintain a safe and structured area for members to enjoy off-road motorcycle riding and also helps to make our track available for annual provincial moto-races to come to our city. Annual motocross events have brought hundreds of families from all over Alberta, Saskatchewan and B.C. into our community for the event weekend utilizing Medicine Hat's hotels, restaurants, and campgrounds.
~600 local members (300 annual memberships, 65% are families of 2-5 people, 35% are individual memberships)
~450 people who purchase day passes each year (175 from Medicine Hat, and 55 from other areas, 65% are families of 2-5, 35% individual riders)
~200 entrees per race day at an event.
Numbers from previous years races held in Medicine Hat show that the AMSA Provincial Motocross Series in Medicine Hat, supports:
· $305,590 in economic activity
· $96,739 in wages and salaries
· $156,668 total net economic activity (GDP).

Sponsorship Packages
Sponsorship Packages
Please note: All packages are customizable and adaptable to any situation
Logo & link on the MHMS website
Brochures and Ads
2 day passes or race day tickets
Logo & link on the MHMS website
Brochures and Ads
+ Social Media Recognition
+ 5 day passes or race day tickets
Logo & link on the MHMS website
Brochures and Ads
Social Media Recognition
5 day passes or race day tickets
+ Lacroix Racing Academy Package
+ Custom combination of day passes, memberships, race day tickets
+ 4x8 sign at track, put up and paid for by Society.
Please make all cheques payable to the
Medicine Hat Motorcycle Society
All sponsors are welcome to post their OWN 4'X8' outdoor sign in the designated areas out at the track.
Sponsor Process:
1. Donations will be recognized on an annual basis following the last day of the Medicine Hat Motorcycle Society's fiscal year.
2. Speak with a board member to discuss choices between passes and race tickets if applicable.
3. All donors will be given the opportunity to remain anonymous and / or not disclose the amount of the contribution.
4. All donations will be gratefully accepted and will be eligible for an official, tax-deductible receipt.
5. Please provide your company logo & web address for website recognition.
6. Make all cheques payable to The Medicine Hat Motorcycle Society.
7. If platinum level, provide image to be used for 4x8 sign.
Our intent for this land is to provide a safe location for all of our members, young and old, competitive or leisure riders alike to ride their off highway vehicles. The MHMS volunteers will work passionately, as we have for many years, to use this land to promote the sport of family recreation so we can give back to the community that so desperately needs this service.